CV Kumar’s latest production Titanic is pegged to be a quirky comedy. M Janakiraman, a former assistant of directors Bala and Sudha Kongara, is helming the project. Kalaiarasan, Ashna Zaveri and Anandhi are the lead actors while Madhumitha and Raghav Vijay essay supporting roles. Balaji Mohan and Gayathri have cameos in the film.
According to a spokesperson of the project, “Titanic will attempt to decode the relationships of the current generation. Kalaiarasan’s character is caught between a potential love interest and a romance from his past. How he tackles this problem is the crux of the film.”
Kalaiarasan told Silverscreen that his role is a light hearted one. “Everybody has that one good love story. My character has two, and he is caught between them. It might sound funny, but in real life, it is difficult. Janakiraman wants to explore that complexity through the movie. I was very interested when he narrated it to me, since it is a full length comedy feature. And, it has been quite some time since I did a complete comedy.”
The film intends to explore when and how true love blossoms. Is it that crush during school days? Or, does it come with marriage? A teaser, released earlier this year, has clocked over a million views on YouTube. The spokesperson believes this has provided enough impetus for its release later this year. “Already, there’s a lot of positivity about the movie. We want to cash in on this by releasing the audio and a full trailer later this month,” he said.
An important aspect of the movie is its music. Nivas Prasanna has turned in a musical score that will be the film’s calling card, the spokesperson said. “Nivas is a talented music director, and his songs are bound to give the movie that extra edge.”