Social activist Traffic Ramaswamy, who was present at the audio launch of his biopic in Chennai, heaped praises on late chief minister Jayalalithaa and her style of governance but said that her ego led to her downfall. He added that some people claim they will enter politics but they never do.
Directors Shankar, Ram, lyricist-poet Vairamuthu, Shoba Chandrasekar and many others were also present at the audio launch of the Traffic Ramaswamy biopic.
The biopic on the social activist and public interest litigator is being directed by Vijay Vikram aka Vigneshwaran who worked as an assistant director with SA Chandrasekar, who plays the titular role. Actress Rohini plays his wife, Prakash Raj, Ambika, Kushboo Sundar, Seeman, S Ve Shekar are also part of the film. The film is produced by the Green Signal production company and the songs were penned by Kabilan Vairamuthu.
At the event, director Shankar said, “I had plans of making the biopic with Rajinikanth in the lead, but the biopic was announced before I could finalise the film. He also compared Traffic Ramaswamy to his film Indian and said, “Traffic Ramaswamy is an Indian without the knife.”
SA Chandrasekar took a dig at Rajinikhanth and said, “People who say there is no need for protests are not right in the head.”