Trisha Krishnan got temporary tattoos for her role in Bhooloham. The actress, who plays the love interest of boxer Bhooloham (Jayam Ravi) in the movie, underwent a three-hour session with a tattoo specialist. Speaking to us, director Kalyanakrishnan said, “Trisha plays a major fan of Jayam Ravi in the movie and gets many tattoos of him on her body. There’s a very interesting romance scene that I have crafted out of this. It is very playful and not intended to be vulgar at all. The scene will demonstrate the strength of Trisha’s love and admiration for Bhooloham – the boxer.”
The director was all praise for his lead actress and added that he was ‘blown over’ by Trisha’s commitment to her role. “When I approached her about this scene, I was very nervous. But Trisha was okay with it.”
Bhooloham’s shooting has been wrapped up and is now ready for release. Produced by Aascar Ravichandran, the flick has been awaiting a release date for a long time; but the director has now revealed that the film will release “very very soon, sooner than you’d expect”.
Image courtesy : Ananda Vikatan