Trisha Krishnan is the top contender for the role played by Kangana Ranaut in the Tamil remake of the critically acclaimed Bollywood film, Queen. “The makers have initiated talks with Trisha. The project requires bulk dates and Trisha already has two projects in her kitty. She is figuring out how she can set aside dates that will require her to shoot abroad for a long schedule,” a source told IANS.
The movie will be directed by veteran actress-filmmaker Revathy known for films like Mitr, My Friend and Phir Milenge. Suhasini Maniratnam has been roped in to write the dialogues for the movie.
Queen is the story of a young Punjabi girl, played by Kangana Ranaut, who embarks on her ‘honeymoon’ to Paris alone after her fiance calls off the wedding.
Trisha is currently working on her horror film Mohini.