Actor Udhyanidhi Stalin will be starring in the Tamil remake of popular Hindi film Jolly LLB which had Arshad Warsi and Boman Irani playing the lead roles. A source close to the actor said that the filmmakers are looking for someone to reprise the role that Irani played in the original; and an official announcement would be made as soon as the cast and crew are finalised.
Earlier reports suggested that director Ahmed (Endrendrum Punnagai) would be directing Udhayanidhi in Idhayam Murali, but a new report in the Times of India says that the duo has decided to do the Jolly LLB remake first and that shooting starts from August 20. Other reports suggest that Ahmed – Udhayanidhi Stalin project has been put on hold. At the time of publication, the picture on the director remained hazy, and Silverscreen was not able to obtain further information.
Currently, Udhayanidhi Stalin is busy shooting for his upcoming film Gethu, directed by Thirukumaran (Maan Karate). Actress Amy Jackson plays Udhayanidhi’s love interest in the movie which also has Karunakaran and Vikranth in important roles.