Actor Vadivelu has been summoned by the Namakkal Criminal Court to appear before it on November 27. According to a Dinamalar report, Vadivelu has been summoned based on a petition filed by Nadigar Sangam member Ayyavu. The petition accuses Vadivelu of tarnishing the image of the Nadigar Sangam during the elections.
The Nadigar Sangam elections were held on September 18, and won by Nasser and Vishal’s team. Before the elections, several vulgar comments were exchanged between Sarath Kumar and Vishal team. Vadivelu, who supported the Pandavar Ani team of Nasser, Vishal, Karthi, Karunas and Ponvanna,, spoke about the Nadigar Sangam building being demolished along with his movie dialogues. The Pandavar Ani team includes
At the introduction meet of the Pandavar Ani team, Vadivelu said, “Like my famous comedy about ‘Kenara Kaanum Kenara Kaanum’, today, the whole Nadigar Sangam building is no more. Everything is demolished. We have all gathered here to find the missing Nadigar Sangam.”