The trailer of Vaibhav and Venkat Prabhu starrer Lock Up has dropped now. Helmed by debutant SG Charles, a former associate of director Mohan Raja and produced by Nithin Sathya under his banner Shvedh, the film will hit Zee5 on August 14. The film marks Nithin Sathya’s second production after the 2018 action-comedy Jarugandi which starred Jai, Reba Monica John, and Amit Tiwari in the lead.
The trailer doesn’t reveal anything but the news of two consecutive deaths in Neelangarai, one of an inspector Sampath and the other of a lady named Mallika. What follows is an anxious cop Vaibhav trying to escape and hide, a sly colleague Venkat Prabhu trying to con Vaibhav into a plan, a puzzled Vani Bhojan, a poker-faced Poorna, guns, knives, an athletic race and quick cuts of some action and several characters in a fit of anger. Despite leaving you confused, it showcases the potential of being a good thriller.
Vijay Sethupathi and Vignesh Shivan released the trailer on Twitter.
Congrats @Nitinsathyaa & team ☺️Happy to release A Gripping Thriller #LockUp Trailer.
#SuspenseAtEveryTurn@shvedhgroup @ZEE5Tamil @tridentartsoffl @actor_vaibhav @vp_offl @vanibhojanoffl @shamna_kasim @SGCharles2 @ArrolCorelli @editor_mad @teamaimpr— VijaySethupathi (@VijaySethuOffl) July 27, 2020
Happy to release this Gripping Thriller #LockUp Trailer! All the Best!
#SuspenseAtEveryTurn@Nitinsathyaa @shvedhgroup @ZEE5Tamil @tridentartsoffl @actor_vaibhav @vp_offl @vanibhojanoffl @shamna_kasim @SGCharles2 @ArrolCorelli @editor_mad @teamaimpr— Vignesh Shivan (@VigneshShivN) July 27, 2020
Touted to be an investigative thriller, the film also features Eswari Rao, and Vathikuchi fame Dileepan in important roles.
The film features cinematography by Santhanam Sekar, Anand Gerald on edit, and Arrol Corelli on music. Anandh Mani has helmed art and ‘Miracle’ Michael Raj has choreographed the stunts. The film had completed work last year and was set for a release at the beginning of 2020. The makers had also released a first look poster and teaser of the film last year.
It is noteworthy that Sun Network’s streaming app SunNXT had originally bagged the streaming rights of the film, but will not see the film hitting the platform. SunNXT is among the few streaming apps that haven’t taken the plunge into direct OTT releases yet.
Read: ‘Lock Up’ Teaser Starring Vaibhav And Venkat Prabhu Out Now
Watch the Lock Up trailer here.