Vanjagar Ulagam, a crime thriller directed by Manoj Beedha, will release on September 7. The film revolves around the murder of a young woman. The film has been certified ‘A’ by the CBFC. However, Beedha says that he has still been asked to remove a few scenes from the film and mute some dialogues
“The certificate clearly says that the film is for adults which means that the director has the liberty to express adult content. Adult content does not mean nudity or anything else. I think it refers to the language and behavior shown onscreen. Freedom of speech is important for a journalist. Likewise freedom of expression is important for a director.”
Singer Swagatha said that the film was an experimental one, and this was reflected by the film’s soundtrack. “We never envisaged a Carnatic dub step song for a gangster action sequence. It has been very well packaged and delivered neatly. It’s a surprise element in the film, definitely.”
Lyrics have been penned by Madhan Karky while the music is composed by Sam CS.
Sam CS, who composed the music for last year’s surprise hit – Vikram Vedha, said that he was reluctant to work in back-to-back gangster films.
“But when I happened to see the footages of the film in the location, it was like watching a Hollywood movie, which had a splendid lighting and visuals. Moreover, when I started hearing the script, I could feel the freshness throughout. Despite being a gangster film, Vanjagar Ulagam is something unusual in Tamil Cinema. The film will not follow a cliche gangster template.”
Sam also mentioned that he had used many live instruments for the recording of the film.
Actor Guru Somasundharam, who impressed with his acting in Aranya Kaandam and Joker, is seen as a terror gangster in the film. Talking about it, he said, “I was shocked when I was told that I’m a gangster in the film. But, Beedha has made sure that there are no unnecessary characters in the movie. That said, I have to admit that this film and role are completely different from what I have done thus far.”
Produced by Labyrinth Films, the movie has an ensemble cast with the likes of Cibi Bhuvana Chandran, Guru Somasundharam, Chandimi Tamilarasan, John Vijay, Anisha Ambrose, Hareesh Peradi cast in pivotal roles. The film’s cinematography is by Rodrigo del Rio Herrera.