Director Venkat Prabhu, known for his fun treatment of films, irreverent humour and slice-of-life scene construction, announced yesterday that he’s jumped on to the digital platform bandwagon. Maasha Allah Ganesha is being screened on the recently-launched VIU platform, and star Sampath Raj, Panchu Subbu and Aravind Akash. It is produced by Black Tickets, written by RT Kumar and has music by Premgi Amaren, the director’s brother.
The director, whose upcoming release is the ensemble film Party, entirely shot in Fiji and starring Jai, Shaam, Sathyaraj, Nasser, Ramya Krishnan, Sanchita Shetty and Nivetha Pethuraj, also revealed that his next is a political drama, Maanadu, which stars Silambarasan in the lead. It is expected that the director will discuss the current political scenario in the state.
MAG is said to be based on a Hindu-Muslim riot in Dharavi, Mumbai. Speaking about the film, the director said a lot of research went into the script and that he had double-checked it with experts so that no religious sentiments are hurt. “The film is serious in nature, a departure from what I do. It is a controversial plot, and I hope to direct it the way I wish to.” The digital medium comes with a certain freedom, and that made it easier to direct, he added.
The film, which begins with the statement , “Kadavul namma kaapathanumnu nenaikradhula thappea illa. Aana kadavula namma kaapathanum nu nenacha dhaan thappu. inmelaachum marattum” (It is not wrong to think that God should save us, but it is wrong when we think that it is we who save God. Let this thought change hereafter).
The plot revolves around a Muslim family that has lived for years alongside Hindus with peace and amity. Suddenly, riots triggered by politicians break out and they find themselves caught in the middle of it. Will they be saved?