75-year-old actress Rangammal was recently seen selling handkerchiefs and handloom products at Marina beach in Chennai. She has acted in over 500 Tamil films since the time of MG Ramachandran.
According to a report in Malai Malar, Rangammal’s nine sons have left her. She now works at the beach for survival, and lives in Kumaran colony in Vadapalani. The report says people who identify her at the beach take a selfie with her, and she requests them to buy something.
Rangammal spoke about her situation and said, “I have worked in the industry since the period of MGR. I have also played a double body to many leading actresses of the time. I have acted in Malayalam and Hindi films too. I spent all the money I earned from films on my sons, and now I stand abandoned, suffering to get a meal everyday.”
Rangammal was well-known for her comic roles with Vadivelu. She came to be called ‘shoo paati’ after a film’s scene in which a dog bit people whenever she said ‘shoo’. In 2013, she played the lead role in Kuttima, a film about the relationship between a young man and his grandmother.
She said, “I’m ready to act even now, but I am denied opportunities. So I have come to Marina to sell these products from which I earn little for my survival. It will be helpful if either the government or the South Indian Artistes’ Association (Nadigar Sangam) supports.”
According to reports, Nadigar Sangam went to Marina to find out about Rangammal’s situation. They decided to support her with Rs 5000, even though Rangammal was not a member of Nadigar Sangam or Film Employees Federation of South India (FEFSI), and its rules allow monetary support only for members.
Image Courtesy: Maalaimalar