Following rumours regarding Shah Rukh Khan’s exit from Saare Jahaan Se Accha, it has now been reported that Vicky Kaushal and Karthik Aaryan have been approached by the makers of the Rakesh Sharma biopic. The actors are being considered for the part of Rakesh Sharma – the first Indian to travel into space at the age of 35.
According to DNA, a source close to the movie said that Siddharth Roy Kapur, the film’s producer is considering both actors. “After SRK’s exit, Ronnie [Screwwala] and Siddharth decided to cast a younger face to play Rakesh’s role. The story revolves around his mission to be the first Indian in space and he was 35 when he achieved this feat. So, they decided to sign one of the actors from Gen-Y.”
“Mahesh Mathai, who is directing the biopic, has met Kartik, but they haven’t had a narration yet. Meanwhile, Vicky was spotted at Siddharth’s office a few days ago,” added the source.
Recent reports said that Shah Rukh Khan, following the consecutive failures of Aanand L Rai’s Zero and Imtiaz Ali’s Jab Harry Met Sejal had decided to give Saare Jahaan Se Accha a miss, and work with Farhan Akhtar on Don 3.
Apparently, the failure of these movies had made the actor rethink his choices. He didn’t wish to make fresh collaborations with directors, and had hence decided to fall back on Farhan Akhtar – a director with whom he had worked in the past and delivered hits.
However, Anjum Rajbali, the writer of Saare Jahaan Se Accha was quick to dismiss these rumours, and said that the speculations were fake.
Saare Jahan Se Accha was initially supposed to star Aamir Khan who, because of other commitments, recommended Shah Rukh Khan’s name. According to a TimesNow report, the actor spoke about SRK’s exit at a recent media interaction. “Isn’t Shah Rukh Khan doing that film? Those are only reports, let’s wait until he makes an announcement about it.”
Shah Rukh Khan is yet to comment on the issue.
Image Courtesy: DNA India