Vijay Sethupathi has reportedly been signed on for Mani Ratnam’s next film, which will go on floors from the end of this year. A source close to the actor told Silverscreen, “Vijay has been finalised by the director for his next venture. They met for a script discussion, and Vijay liked it. The actor has signed, too.”
It was earlier speculated that the film could be a remake of Thalapathy, for it was rumoured that Mani Ratnam was looking to rope in Dulquer Salman and Arvind Swamy. “Dulquer and Arvind Swamy are yet to be finalised. Right now, only Vijay Sethupathi is on board for this film,” said the source.
Cinematographer Santosh Sivan had earlier told Silvercreen that he would be handling the camera for this Mani Ratnam film, marking their sixth collaboration together.