The shooting of Vikram’s upcoming road thriller 10 Enradhukulla has been going on for quite sometime now. The team recently met the press and interacted with the reporters. The main talking point at the event was his moustache, though! In a recent interview to a Tamil magazine, director Vijay Milton divulged a few interesting details about the film.
Apparently, Vikram’s name in the film wouldn’t be revealed to the audience. Even at the climax, when asked his name, he would only whisper it in Samantha’s ears.
Samantha, apparenly did not use a body double for most of the stunt sequences in the film, and performed high-speed car driving and horse riding sequences. A song in the film, which runs for almost nine minutes, will feature all the actors in the film, including Vikram, Samantha and Charmme.
Meanwhile, late on Saturday, Samantha posted this selfie with her team on Twitter, while enroute to Ajmer, to can a few scenes for the film.
We are family . Enroute Ajmer #10Endrathukulla . What would I do without this group. Love so much love
— Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) August 22, 2015