Actor Vikrant will star in Samuthirakani’s next film. Vikranth told the Times of India that it was a dream come true for him. He said, “I am not allowed to reveal too many details about the project. But all I can say is that I am playing one of the leads along with Samuthirakani sir. It is a dream come true for me to act alongside him, and be directed by him. Even though I’ve known him for quite some time, this is the first time that I will be working with him. When it comes to cinema, Suseenthiran sir is like my guru and like my brother. I am grateful and excited to be working with him now. I am sure the film will add value to my career as an actor.”
In addition to directing the film, Samuthirakani will also have a major role in it.
Vikranth has a number of projects in the pipeline. He will play a major role in Suseenthiran’s bilingual with Sundeep Kishan. He is also starring in the sequel of Suseenthiran’s popular Vennila Kabaddi Kuzhu.
Meanwhile, Samuthirakani is acting alongside Dhanush in the sequel to his filmVelaiyilla Pattathari. His last release was Appa.