Actor-director Vineeth Sreenivasan announced his next directorial on social media on Monday evening. The film, titled Hridayam, has Pranav Mohanlal and Kalyani Priyadarshan in the lead roles. This is the second time the two star-kids are working together, after Priyadarshan’s yet-to-be-released period drama Kunjali Marakkar. The film also stars Darshana Rajendran who is known for films such as Mayanadhi and Virus.
My New movie “#Hridayam”, Direction by #VineethSreenivasan and Production under the banner of #MerrylandCinemas by #VisakhSubramaniam and Co Production by Nobel Babu Thomas
— Pranav Mohanlal (@impranavlal) December 2, 2019
The project also marks the return of the erstwhile Merryland Studios, the second oldest production house in Kerala whose last film, Hridayathinte Nirangal, came out in 1979. Hridayam is co-produced by Visakh Subramanyam, the grandson of Merryland Studios founder P Subramaniam, along with Noble Babu Thomas.
The film is set to release in Onam 2020.
Vineeth’s last directorial, Jacobinte Swarga Rajyam, came out in 2016. The film, starring Nivin Pauly and Renji Panikker in the lead roles, was set in Dubai. He has been active in the film industry as an actor over the last few years. In the latest, he played one of the lead roles in Girish AD’s Thanneer Mathan Dinangal, a low-budget teen drama which turned out to be the biggest blockbuster in Malayalam this year. He also played a cameo in Love Action Drama, the directorial debut of his brother Dhyan Sreenivasan, and another cameo in Helen, which was co-produced by his close friend and regular collaborator actor Aju Varghese.
Pranav, son of Mohanlal, made his acting debut through Onnaman (2002), portraying the childhood of the hero played by his father. He made his debut as a hero through Jeethu Joseph’s Aadhi, produced by his father’s production company, in 2018. His second movie, Irupathiyonnaam Noottaandu (2019), also produced by Mohanlal, fell at the box-office. Kalyani, daughter of director Priyadarshan and actress-entrepreneur Lissie, has worked in Telugu films such as Hello and Chitralahari which didn’t fare well at the box-office. This is her second Malayalam project, after Anoop Sathyan’s untitled movie which is under-production, where her co-stars are Shobana, Suresh Gopi and Dulquer Salmaan.