The audio of Vingyani was launched yesterday. Parthi, the writer, director and producer of the movie, released the soundtrack. Popular singers Shankar Mahadevan, Chinmayi, Karthick, and Padmalatha have sung for the soundtrack composed by debutant Maris Vijay.
Parthi, a former scientist from NASA, plays the lead role in the thriller, with Meera Jasmine playing his love interest. “The movie has a strong message about the things we have ignored about Tamil Nadu and the lessons that our ancestors taught us,” he said.
Thalaivasal Vijay plays a farmer in Vingyani. “I usually get these autokaaran, kudikaaran, mesthri kind of roles,” laughed Vijay. “After a very long time, I have got a meaty role in Vingyani.” Vivekh, Sanjana Singh and Devadarshini form the supporting cast.