Amitash Pradhan of Velaiyilla Pattadhaari fame has signed a Hollywood movie titled Heartbeats, which will be directed by Duane Adler, the writer of Step Up series.
An excited Amitash took to Facebook to break this news. Amitash had sent his portfolio was shortlisted for the audition based on his acting and dancing skills.
Amitash, who is currently rehearsing the dance routine for the movie, tweeted,
The Dance Crews killing it. This is seriously heavy duty. #Heartbeatsmovie#family#Hollywood !! 🙂
— Amitash (@amitashpradhan) December 29, 2015
Heartbeats will be a triangular love story, interlaced with dance elements, and the movie will have a curious tagline – ‘Hip Hop meets Bollywood dance’. Amitash Pradhan, Krystal and Aneesha Joshi will be playing the lead roles in Heartbeats. Shampa Gopikrishna and Tessandra Chavez will handle the choreography department.
Amitash Pradhan, a former student at Anupam Kher’s school for acting, appeared in Telugu film Bruce Lee, after Velaiyilla Pattadhari’s huge success.