Vetrimaaran’s Visaaranai, which stars Dinesh, Anandhi, and Samuthirakani, will debut at the 72nd Venice International Film Festival in the ‘Orizzonti’ category, thereby becoming the first Tamil feature film to compete in this category. The Orizzonti section (Horizons) is open to all “custom-format” works, and focuses on new trends in expressive language. Producer Dhanush tweeted:
#Visaaranai 2 premier at d 72nd Venice international film festival n Orizzonti competitive category. Proud Wunderbar films.
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) July 29, 2015
Ace film director Anurag Kashyap congratulated the team on the honour :
@VetriMaaran ‘s”Visaarnai” produced by him & @dhanushkraja becomes the first Tamil film to play at the Venice Film Festival.congratulations
— Anurag Kashyap (@anuragkashyap72) July 30, 2015
Visaaranai is a 60-minute experimental film. The trailer was released earlier in March. In the last edition of the film, Indian writer-director Chaitanya Tamhane’s debut film Court had won the Orizzonti Award for the best film.