Vishal Krishna has de-activated his Twitter account. Reports indicate that this was due to the heavy criticism he faced over his remarks on the Jallikattu issue.
A spokesperson for Vishal said, “Yes, it is true. His account has been deactivated. But we don’t want to specify any reason behind it.”
While the actor had said he supported Jallikattu recently, much of the ill-will towards him was directed at his remarks from last year. The actor had reportedly said that as a law-abiding citizen, he supported the ban on Jallikattu. This did not go down well with the supporters, who immediately began to abuse him on Twitter and Facebook.
Vishal too issued a clarification about his stand on Jallikattu at an event earlier today. “I am a supporter of Jallikattu. I have never ever said that I wanted a ban on this. I am taking every initiative possible to make sure Jallikattu can be held in a peaceful, calm manner next year.”
Jallikattu, the age-old sport, has received much support from the film fraternity. The few artists that did support the ban have been the target of vile abuse on social media. Actress Trisha was one such victim, and was forced to file a Police complaint after her Twitter account was allegedly hacked.