The Government of Tamil Nadu has granted incentives of Rs. 7 lakhs to ten producers each of small budget films, with a good social message that got released between 2007 and 2014. The incentive was given in the form of cheque to the producers at the Secretariat by the Honorable Chief Minister Edappadi K Palanisamy on Wednesday.
Producers like SA Chandrashekar and others took part in the meet and received the cheque from the Chief minister. Producers Council president Vishal thanked Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi Palanisamy, Deputy Chief Minister O Pannerselvam and Minister Kadambur Raju for the noteworthy initiative from the government.
A press release which was issued by the actor read: “In a matter of Considering and encouraging the producers of small budget films who have released films from 2007 to 2014 with social message were given Rs. 7 lakh each. I thank our Honorable Chief Minister Edappadi K Palanisamy, deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam, Information and Public Relation minister Kadambur Raju and other ministers from the bottom of my heart.”
Vishal’s interest towards promoting small budget films, to showcase the talent of budding artists has captured the hearts of the audience.