In a latest development in the Nadigar Sangam issue, Vishal has stated that his team may approach Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa and appeal to her to resolve the issue amicably. During a press meet in Salem, Vishal stated that many theatre artistes are showing support to their team in the upcoming Nadigar Sangam elections.
Vishal added that he would be happy if Ms Jayalalithaa, a senior member of the Nadigar Sangam, votes in the elections. “If a solution to the issue is not met with in the near future, we will appeal to the Chief Minister to intervene,” he stated.
Vishal also declared that if his party wins the elections, he will bring the scams that have been plaguing the Nadigar Sangam to light. Vishal will be contesting against actor Radha Ravi for the post of Secretary, while actor Nasser will be contesting for the post of President opposite actor-politician R Sarath Kumar. The date of the elections is still unknown, following an interim stay imposed by the Madras High Court.