Vishnu Vishal, who has just completed the shooting of his second production venture, has now announced his next production. The film, directed by director Ezhil’s former associate Chella Ayyavu will have Vishnu playing the lead and Karunakaran, Anandraj, and Yogi Babu in supporting roles. No female lead has been announced as yet. Leon James will compose the music for this film.
🙂 @VVStudioz production no.3
Directed by Chella co-drctr of Ezhil sir n d man behind d story of #VVV 🙂
— vishnu vishal (@iamvishnuvishal) November 29, 2016
Chella Ayyavu was the story writer and co-director for Vishnu’s first production Velainnu Vandhutta Vellaikaaran. The film was a comedy and a box-office success. This new film is is also expected to be a comedy.
Vishnu Vishal, whose film Maaveera Kittu releases this week, has completed the talkie portions of Kathanayagan, directed by Muruganandham. Actress Catherine Tresa plays the female lead, while actors Anandaraj and Soori play important roles in the film. Vishnu also began the shoot for his film with director Ram today. The film is a crime thriller co-starring Amala Paul.