Earlier today, rumours were rife that Deva will be lending his voice for a gaana song in the movie Appatakkar. Later, a source close to the production team confirmed the news and added that actor Vivek and actor Jayam Ravi have also lent their voices for the song, which is composed by S Thaman.
This film is turning to be a star-powered one with actors STR, Swati Reddy and composer Imman singing for the album. STR and Swati Reddy have recorded a song for the film while composer D Imman has rendered Bujjima – another song in the movie.
Appatakkar, directed by Suraj, has Jayam Ravi, Trisha and Anjali in the lead roles. The talkie portions of the movie have been completed and post-production work is currently on. Produced by Lakshmi Movie Makers, this film will see actress Poorna in a guest appearance.