The title and motion poster of actress Aishwarya Rajesh‘s next film is out now. Titled Boomika, the film is helmed by director Rathindran R Prasad and jointly bankrolled by Karthik Subbaraj, Kaarthekeyen Santhanam, Kal Raman, and S Somasegar under their Stone Bench Films banner, marking their fourth production, and by Sudhan Sundaram and Jayaraman under their Passion Studios banner.
The motion poster pans across a calm and pleasant yet mysterious forest, revealing cracked roads with a broken ‘Do Not Enter’ sign, a large dam, the door of an old vehicle, trees, and grass while introducing the key cast and crew. The title is also smothered with creepers and vines and has chirping birds all around it.
Actor Sivakarthikeyan took to Twitter to release the motion poster and reveal the title.
Happy to release the Title motion poster of @aishu_dil ‘s 25th film Titled #Boomika A @karthiksubbaraj presentation and directed by @RathindranR
Wishing the entire team the very best 😊👍@StonebenchFilms @kaarthekeyens
— Sivakarthikeyan (@Siva_Kartikeyan) August 22, 2020
The mystery horror thriller’s technical team comprises Italian cinematographer Roberto Zazzara, composer Prithvi Chandrasekar, editor Anand Geraldin, and art director Mohan. Don Ashok has handled stunt and Jayalakshmi Sundaresan has designed costumes. The story and rest of the cast have been kept under wraps.
Rumours that the film will be hitting Netflix directly skipping a theatrical release, have been doing the rounds. However, a source privy to the developments has told Silverscreen that the makers haven’t taken any such decision and are eyeing a theatrical release.
Watch the motion poster of Boomika here.
Meanwhile, Aishwarya Rajesh who was last seen in Telugu in Kranthi Madhav‘s World Famous Lover and in Tamil in Dhana Sekaran‘s Vaanam Kottatum has a slew of films in the pipeline. She will feature in Vignesh Karthick‘s Thittam Irandu, P Virumandi’s Ka Pae Ranasingam, Shiva Nirvana’s Tuck Jagdish, and in Gautham Menon‘s long-delayed Dhruva Natchathiram.