Salman Khan released the video for a standalone song titled ‘Tere Bina’ earlier today. The actor has sung and directed the video that also stars Jacqueline Fernandes. It was shot entirely in Khan’s farmhouse in Panvel where Jacqueline too is staying during the lockdown. The actress recently released a three-minute video of her stay.
“Amidst the lockdown blues comes a fresh romantic track of the season in the form of, ‘Tere Bina’. Listen to my new romantic track featuring Jacqueline Fernandez,” the actor’s YouTube page said. The song has music by Ajay Bhatia, and lyrics by Shabbir Ahmed.
Maine yeh gaana banaya, gaya, shoot kiya aur post kiya aap ke liye, ab aap bhi yeh gaana suno, gaao, aur aap ke swag mai shoot karo ghar pe, post karo, share karo, tag karo n enjoy karo…#TereBina
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) May 12, 2020
In ‘Tere Bina’, Salman and Jacqueline play a couple who share a charming relationship and seem to have it all. Until, towards the end, it is revealed that Salman is reminiscing and the song is actually about missing someone. In the end though, someone else unexpected appears, bringing a smile to his face.
The actor told Times of India in an interview about the making of this video, “Back home in Bandra, we have a neighbour, Ajju (Ajay) Bhatia, who would keep asking me to sing for him. So far, I have sung four songs for him. Tere Bina is one of those. It wasn’t fitting into any of my films, so we decided to release it now.”