The cast and crew of director Lakshman’s Romeo Juliet met the media on Thursday evening. While Hansika, who plays the female lead in the film, garnered praises for her looks and cherubic expressions, actor Jayam Ravi grabbed the limelight, thanks to his witty statements. Especially when he said this: ” “Indha padathula Dan Hansika nadichirkanga…She will win awards for sure.”
“As soon as I finished the script, actor Jayam Ravi came to my mind. He was best-suited for the role and he accepted the offer immediately”, said director Lakshman. Ravi said that he agreed to act in the film because the script was strong and realistic.
It is said that Romeo (Jayam Ravi) and Juliet (Hansika) play ‘villains’ in this light-hearted movie, with Hansika being the baddie in the first half and Jayam Ravi in the later part of the movie. Also, Jayam Ravi’s close friend Arya has been roped in for a cameo role (Well, Arya’s everywhere nowadays!)
The film will hit the screens this Friday, on June 12.