Parvathy Nair was fashionably late for an interview session with the media, thanks to her delayed flight. In a peacock green-blue skirt, chunky jewellery, and a simple black top with a generous amount of make-up on, Parvathy looked quite fresh on a sultry day in Chennai. Her character in Engitta Modhathey, however, is almost the opposite of how she looked.
“The make-up for my character was deliberately done to make me look tanned, a little darker, oiled neat hair – typical bubbly village girl. The best part is, it’s unlike what I’ve ever played before, and I hardly had time to prepare for it. I learnt how to operate the dosa maavu grinder, while at the same time, carry a pot and walk in the dusty village fields. It really was an experience,” she tells Silverscreen.
Impressed with our photographer’s picture-taking skills, Parvathy made us promise to make her look beautiful.
In Pictures: An Exclusive Photoshoot with Parvathy Nair