Recently, a video released by Ariel as part of their campaign #ShareTheLoad, had gone viral on internet. The video discussed the importance of men sharing household chores with women. This was the core theme of a recent event that the detergent company organised in Chennai.
Actress Priya Anand, who was the main speaker at the event, said that she was mighty impressed with Ariel’s campaign. “My initial reaction to the video was, I felt proud of Ariel as a brand. Beyond promoting themselves, they took an extra step and have tried to bring a change in the generations to come. The video was done in a sensitive and beautiful way because the subject is something which men can easily take offence to”. The actress cited statistical reports to remark that most men as well as kids believed laundry and other household chores were women’s job. “Women’s lifestyles have changed drastically, we have our own career to take care of. So it is really important that when we come home, we don’t have the extra pressure of household chores too. Statistics show that even children become what they learn, so it is important to teach them the right values.”
Priya also revealed that she, in spite of her busy daily schedule, liked to do her household chores herself. “I love doing laundry and cleaning. It is like a de-stresser for me. It’s one of those rare times I get to be alone by myself, not bothering about phone calls or text messages. When I spot something dirty, and I clean up, I feel like my whole energy is cleaned up.”