Actor Vikram Prabhu’s production company, ‘First Artist’ was launched at Sivaji Ganesan’s residence on Wednesday. Veteran Producer, AVM Saravanan did the honours. The event also marked the launch of the company’s maiden production, Neruppuda starring Vikram Prabhu who plays the role of a fire-engine officer in the movie.
“Neruppuda, has a different take on fire service,” said debutant director B Ashok Kumar. He was a former associate of director Lakshman of Romeo Juliet fame. Nikki Galrani plays the lead female role. Other actors part of the cast are ‘Nan Kadavul‘ Rajendran, ‘Aadukalam’ Naren etc. R B Rajasekhar, who has worked with directors like Gautam Menon, and A R Murugadoss, handles the cinematography. Actor Prabhu joked that it was in fact, R B Rajasekhar who was the first hero of the film. The music will be composed by Sean Roldan of Vaayai Moodi Pesavum fame.
The title Neruppuda was finalised after much debate, said Vikram Prabhu. After the word became a sensation, owing to Kabali tracks, the team seemed keen on having this title and it was made official following the go-ahead from ‘Kalaippuli’ S Thanu, the producer of Kabali. “We want the title to be our token of appreciation for Superstar Rajnikanth,” actor Prabhu.
Speaking about the production company, Prabhu said that Sivaji Ganesan always called AVM, his “birthplace”. Therefore, it was particularly significant that AVM Saravanan initiated the launch of the company.
Many celebrities from the industry, such as Nasser, directors Lingusamy and Ravi Kumar, Jayam Ravi, Sivakarthikeyan etc. attended the event.