Dance choreographer Gayathri Raguram is starring in and has directed her debut film, titled Yaadhumaagi Nindraai. The emotional drama is set to premiere on the OTT platform, Zee5 on June 19. Based on true incidents, the film has been bankrolled by the choreographer’s mother Girija Raghuram.
Gayathri Raghuram took to Twitter to announce the news.
Thank you @ZEE5Tamil. #YaadhumaagiNindraai #Premier #june19 based on true life incidents. Thank you @dhanushkraja sir #AishwaryaDhanush @vinod_offl for great support. @mohandreamer @JSKGopi @MadanRavichand4 Thanks to my mother #GirijaRaghuram and my whole team.
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 11, 2020
A source privy to the developments told Silverscreen that the film is based on the journey of a poor young girl named Thamarai who achieves her dream of becoming a dancer through sheer determination. While Gayathri plays the older girl, the name of the actor playing the younger version has been kept under wraps.
Along with Gayathri, actors Sindhu Krishnan, Agni Natchathiram serial fame Vasanth Vasi, Latha Balakrishnan, and Nivas Adithan will be featuring in prominent roles. Ashwin Vinayagamoorthy has composed music with Kala master choreographing dance. The rest of the crew is yet to be revealed.
Dhanush has reportedly rendered a song for the film titled ‘Pudavai Nilave’.
Thank you @gayathriraguram for the opportunity to compose the songs for #YaadhumaagiNindraai
Thank you @ZEE5Tamil @dhanushkraja sir for the amazing rendition of #PudavaiNilave and @divomovies for the support ❤️
Yaadhumaagi Nindraai on Zee5 Tamil from June 19th.
— Ashwin Vinayagamoorthy (@AshwinVinayagam) June 11, 2020
The teaser of Yaadhumaagi Nindraai is set to drop soon.
Here is the first look poster: