OTT platform MX Player has recently added a new series to its roster. Titled Tandoori Idly, the show features a simple premise – a north Indian girl in a south Indian IT office. The series is directed by Devanshu Arya and AL Abanindran.
Avantika Mishra is playing the lead. Talking about her role in the show she said, “I love this series, especially the title Tandoori Idly. I play Simran, a North Indian girl who has shifted her base to Chennai to pursue her career. A dose of entertainment is a must in people’s lives, especially during trying times like these and Tandoori Idly offers exactly that!”
Starring opposite Avantika is Ajai Prasath, who plays a Chennai boy in the show. He said, “The bite-sized comedy series will keep you engaged and interested. The struggles of being an outsider, finding that very person you can trust, is a beautiful journey which is showcased in our series. I hope our audience enjoys it.”
Devanshu Arya said in a statement, “The web affords you so much creative liberty to tell different stories which would not be possible on TV or even in films. Working on this fun-filled story was a delightful experience and I hope viewers enjoy this series as much as we enjoyed while making it.”
Along with Ajai Prasath and Avantika Mishra, the series also stars Vikkals Vikram, Vinod Kumar, Whatsaap Mani, Suhasini Sanjeev and Mirchi Saba in key roles.
Watch the trailer here: