The trailer of Sanjay Dutt, Alia Bhatt, and Aditya Roy Kapur starrer Sadak 2: The Road To Love has dropped. Helmed by Mahesh Bhatt, the film is the sequel to the director’s 1991 hit film Sadak. The stars of the original film, Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt, will also be a part of the sequel that is being bankrolled by Mukesh Bhatt under their banner Vishesh Films and by Fox Star Studios. Sadak 2 also marks Mahesh Bhatt’s return as a director after 20 years.
We’re introduced to Ravi (Sanjay) and Aryaa’s (Alia) story, the former’s picking off from where it left in 1991, repenting his wife’s (Pooja) death and serving as a taxi driver who is on the verge of ending his business, and the latter’s seeking revenge of a fake godman while also wanting to drive to Kailash to meet her boyfriend Vishal (Aditya Roy Kapur) who has just gotten out of jail. The three together, or rather four, forge a strong bond sharing love, happiness, tears, and pain in the process of opposing a fraudulent religious group comprising several businessmen too.
Disney+ Hotstar VIP took to Twitter to release the trailer.
Three Streams, Three Stories. One Journey.
Watch #Sadak2Trailer Out Now. #AdityaRoyKapur @duttsanjay @poojab1972 @maheshnbhatt #MukeshBhatt #SuhritaSengupta @wrkprint @foxstarhindi @VisheshFilms #DisneyPlusHotstarMultiplex— Disney+HotstarVIP (@DisneyplusHSVIP) August 12, 2020
The film reportedly revolves around love, loss, and redemption. Alia’s character will embark on a journey with Sanjay Dutt’s character to expose a fake godman in the film. Apart from the lead, Jisshu Sengupta, Gulshan Grover, Makarand Deshpande, Priyanka Bose, Mohan Kapur, Akshay Anand, and several others have landed significant roles in the film.
While Mahesh Bhatt and Suhrita Sengupta have penned the script, Jay I Patel has handled the cinematography, Sandeep Kurup has edited, Amit Ray and Subrata Chakraborty have handled art, with Jeet Gannguli, Ankit Tiwari, Samidh Mukherjee & Urvi, and Suniljeet on music. Priyanka Bhatt has handled costumes, with Caesar Gonsalves on dance, and Abbas Ali Moghul on stunts.
During the Disney+ Hotstar ‘Bollywood Ki Home Delivery’ live chat that saw several stars announcing the seven films that would premiere on the OTT platform directly, Alia Bhatt had said that Sadak 2 was way more than a film because it was a homecoming in the true sense. “It’s a continuation and not a recreation of the already existing Sadak. Ravi’s journey goes forward, and he meets two new people. Sadak 2 is the road to love and has different love stories. There’s also a thrill to it because Maharani was a very iconic villain of that time. Even this time, the villain is very different. It’ll be totally unexpected.”
She added, “When I was a kid, I used to be so excited about the songs in my father’s films. I would dream about me featuring in his songs. That came true. Today, I can proudly say that I have become a small part of the Bhatt camp’s songs.”
The film was supposed to have a theatrical premiere in March, however, the national lockdown, forced the makers to push the release to July. The film is now among the many Indian films that have forgone a theatrical release in favour of a direct to digital release. The film will premiere on 28 August. It will be available for all Disney+ Hotstar VIP and Premium users.
Last month, a complaint was filed against the makers and actors of the film for hurting the sentiments of Hindus. Acharya Chandra Kishore Parashar, a resident of Sikandarpur filed the complaint stating that the usage of an image of Kailash Mansarovar in the poster of the movie released recently was purposefully done to hurt their sentiments.
Parashar had filed a complaint under the IPC sections 295A (deliberately outraging religious feelings) and 120B (criminal conspiracy).
Watch the trailer of Sadak 2 here.