‘Jack Daniel’ is an upcoming Malayalam action-drama directed by S L Puram Jayasurya starring Dileep, Arjun Sarja, Anju Kurian, among others. Music composed by Shaan Rahman and Gopi Sundar, Cinematography by Sivakumar Vijayan, Edited by John Kutty, Stunt Choreography by Peter Hein, Kanal Kannan and Supreme Sundar, Production Design by Joseph Nellickal, Teaser Edited by Kannan Mohan, Produced by Shibu Kamal Thameens under the banner of Thameens Films. Muzik247 is the music label.
Direction: S L Puram Jayasurya
Producer: Shibu Kamal Thameens
Production Banner: Thameens Films
Music: Shaan Rahman, Gopi Sundar
Background Score: Gopi Sundar
Lyrics: Harinarayanan BK
Editor: John Kutty
Cinematography: Sivakumar Vijayan
Production Design: Joseph Nellickal
Action: Peter Hein, Kanal Kannan, Supreme Sundar
Choreography: Kala, Prasanna
Sound Design: Rajesh, Vicky, Kishan
Make Up: Pattanam Rasheed
Costumes: Sameera Saneesh, Venkit Sunil (Dileep)
Production Controller: Jith Pirappancode
Exe. Producer: Karthik SH
Marketing Head: Ramkumar B
Chief Asso. Director: Saji Sukumaran
Asso. Director: Kannan S Ulloor
VFX Supervisor: Georgy Joe Ajith
Teaser Edit: Kannan Mohan
Teaser Stereo Mixing: Shibin Sunny (Sapthaa Records)
DI: Knack Studios
Stills: Rohith K Suresh
Designs: Collins Leophil
Sound Mixing: Ajith George (DLS, Cochin)
PRO: Vazhoor Jose, AS Dinesh
Music Label: Muzik247