The teaser of Kodi Veeran, starring Sasikumar, Pasupathy, Vidharth, Poorna and Sanusha, promises a rural-based action entertainer. Directed by Muthiah of Komban fame, the teaser promises fiery stunt sequences and ofcourse, the customary punch dialogues.
The teaser, which begins with Sanusha’s punch line, “Aniyayam nadakkura edathula kannan varaano illayo, enga annan varuvaan,” hints that there is also an emotional brother-sister relationship in the film.
Sasikumar faces off against Pasupathi in this film. There’s a particularly gory scene in the teaser that explains how Pasupathi kills his enemies. This doesn’t disturb Sasikumar in the slightest, for he then proceeds
Here is the link to the teaser: