Starring Prabhu Deva, Aishwarya Rajesh, Karunakaran, Kovai Sarala, Ditya Bhande, Salman Yusuff Khan, Chams, Akshat Singh, Jeet Das, & Sam Paul among others. This 2018 July Release is Written and Directed by Vijay, Music Composed by Sam C S, DOP by Nirav Shah, Edited by Anthony and Produced by Prateek Chakravorty, Shruti Nallappa and R. Ravindran under the banner of Pramod Films & Trident Arts. Muzik 247 is the Official Music Partner.
Music Producer: Ajmal Hasbulla
Guitars: Bruce Lee
Backing Vocals: Sam C.S., Jecin George, Swagatha S.Krishnan, Lekha
Whistle: Onasis Mohan
Sound Engineer: Sabin Jose, Psalter Record Inn
Mix Engineer: Sabin Jose, Psalter Record Inn
Mastered By: Sabin Jose, Psalter Record Inn
Musician Fixer: Velavan