Survival Stories is a Malayalam anthology film that was made during the national lockdown which began on March 22. The film was released on YouTube on the Muzik247 channel. This project was created and conceived by Kerala State Film Award winning filmmaker Rahul Riji Nair.
Many artists and technicians from the Malayalam film industry are part of this project both on screen and behind it. Kerala State Film Award winning actress Vinitha Koshy plays the lead in one of the films. Director Jeo Baby has directed another segment in the anthology. The film is edited by Appu Bhattathiri and music is done by Sidhartha Pradeep. Vishnu PC has done the sound mix and design for Survival Stories along with Arun S Mani.
Takling about the film, creator Rahul Riji Nair said, “In these tough times, artists across the globe are looking beyond the ordinary to find new ways to express themselves. Survival Stories is our humble attempt in that direction to keep our art alive and our voices relevant. What started as a small experiment with just two of us, soon snowballed to something magical! This project opened us to a whole new world of opportunities to collaborate and innovate. More importantly it made us fall in love once again with that undying spirit of camaraderie.”
Survival Stories is produced by First Print Studios in collaboration with a collective of independent artists. This anthology consists of eight short films that have been produced with minimal resources because of the lockdown. The film has a run time of around 50 minutes.
Watch the film here: