The trailer of Dil Bechara starring late actor Sushant Singh Rajput and Sanjana Sanghi is out now. The film helmed by renowned casting director Mukesh Chhabra is the official remake of Hollywood romantic drama The Fault In Our Stars and will be hitting the OTT platform, Disney+ Hotstar directly. Bankrolled by Fox Star Studios, the film will stream on Disney+ Hotstar VIP on July 24 for both subscribers and non-subscribers in memory of the late actor.
Read: Disney+ Hotstar Announces The Direct Premiere Of Seven Films Over The Next Three Months
The trailer is told from the perspective of Kizzie (Sanjana Sanghi), a teenager diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She befriends Manny (Sushant Singh Rajput), a young, jovial, and flirtatious lad who she eventually falls in love with. The popular “Okay? Okay” takes a Tamil twist with “Seri? Seri” and what ensues is love, smiles, tears, pain, and sorrow with the two of them attempting to complete each other’s ‘King and Queen’ story.
The dialogue ‘We don’t get to choose how to die, but we do have a say in who hurts us’ strikes a chord greater than usual, tearing one up. AR Rahman’s score further adds on to the emotion, making the two-and-a-half-minute trailer fly.
#SushantSinghRajput @sanjanasanghi96 @swastika24 @Sahilwalavaid #SaswataChatterjee @CastingChhabra #SaifAliKhan @arrahman #ShashankKhaitan #SuprotimSengupta #AmitabhBhattacharya @disneyplushsvip @sonymusicindia @MukeshChhabraCC
— Fox Star Hindi (@foxstarhindi) July 6, 2020
Originally based on John Green’s novel of the same name, Shashank Khaitan and Suprotim Sengupta have adapted it for Indian audiences.
The film also stars Swastika Mukherjee, Sahil Vaid, Saswata Chatterjee, Saif Ali Khan, Milind Gunaji, and Javed Jaffrey in important roles. AR Rahman has composed for the film with Amitabh Bhattacharya on the lyrics. Satyajit Pande has cranked the camera and Deepa Bhatia is on the edit.
Earlier titled Kizie Aur Manny, the film was to hit the screens on 8 May 2020 after several postponements. Unfortunately, the release was further delayed because of the nationwide lockdown.
The sudden demise of Sushant Singh Rajput, who shot to fame with Kai Po Che!, has created a stir in the Indian film industry. The Chhichhore star who died by suicide in his home in Bandra, Mumbai, on June 14 morning has been the point of discussion on social media for the past few weeks owing to the nature of his death, his on-screen personality and career, and the speculation that Bollywood reportedly refused to help him despite knowing of his long battle with depression.
While there is no clarity on his death as yet, the Mumbai police has been investigating several celebrities and people associated with the actor.
The latest to be interrogated was Hero fame Sooraj Pancholi due to some rumours surrounding Sushant’s ex-manager Disha Salian’s death. The actor has slammed the rumours stating that it is baseless and is right off a random Facebook post. Disha Salian’s family has put out a statement requesting people to avoid speculating on her death and allow the family to mourn in peace.
Official press release from #DishaSalian ‘s family requests everyone to stop all rumours and fake news doing the rounds and to respect the departed.
— Faridoon Shahryar (@iFaridoon) July 6, 2020
Last week, Sushant’s family had also put out a statement thanking fans for their love and to announce that they would be turning his house into a memorial with his possessions for visitors to drop by. They also announced that they would be setting up a foundation, ‘Sushant Singh Rajput Foundation’ to help upcoming talent in the fields of cinema, sports, and science.
Read: Sushant Singh Rajput’s Family Pens A Moving Letter On His Legacy
A moving statement from #SushantSinghRajput‘s family on the late actor’s legacy.#SushantSinghRajputFoundation
— (@silverscreenin) June 27, 2020
Watch the trailer of Dil Bechara here:
Read: Sushant Singh Rajput Obit: A Bollywood Star, ‘A Photon In A Double-Slit’
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput: An Elegy For An Artist Lost
If you (or anyone you know) need assistance overcoming suicidal thoughts, here are a few helpline numbers.
Tamil Nadu:
State health department suicide helpline number: 104
Sneha Suicide Prevention Centre: 044-24640050
Andhra Pradesh:
Life Suicide Prevention Helpline: 78930-78930
Roshni Helplines: 9166202000/ 9127848584
Sahai: 24-hour helpline numbers: 080- 65000111, 080-65000222
Maithri helpline: 0484-2540530
Chaithram helpline: 0484-2361161
Telangana government suicide prevention toll-free no: 104
Roshni: 040-66202000, 6620200
SEVA: 09441778290, 040 – 27504682
Hitguj helpline: 022-24131212
Aasra: +91 9820466726/022-27546669
Sumaitri: 011-23389090
Snehi: 011-65978181
Cooj Mental Health Foundation: 0832- 2252525/+91 98225 62522
Jeevan Suicide Prevention Helpline: 065-76453841/065-76555555
One Life: +91 7893078930
Makro Foundation – Suicide Prevention Helpdesk: 040-46004600
Lifeline Foundation: 033-24637401/033-24637432