For the past few weeks, model and actress Meera Mitun has kept Twitter abuzz with her allegations and claims against actors in the Tamil film industry. While the commotion began with her allegation that actress Trisha and several other stars were emulating her style and fashion sense, it escalated to defaming top actors in the industry by stating that they were part of the ‘Kollywood Mafia’ that rules the film industry.
The actress also linked it to the ongoing case of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput who was allegedly forced to end his life owing to the prevailing nepotism in Bollywood that had reportedly grabbed away film opportunities from the Dil Bechara star.
Meera engaged in slander against actors Suriya and Vijay calling them products of nepotism, body shaming them, and demeaning their acting skills in several videos and interviews which riled up the stars’ fans who took to social media to verbally abuse the model.
Some fans had also taken to morphing her pictures. Instigated by this, Meera extended her abuse to the stars’ families which further enraged fans and social media users. Several media outlets and journalists held interviews with the model questioning her actions and demanding an apology to which the model did not budge.
On Monday, actor-director-producer P Bharathiraja put out a statement slamming the claims made by Meera and calling it an act of publicity. He asked the actress to stop seeking publicity and growth by defaming others and to create an identity for herself by working hard. He also mentioned that her words against two actors who have been contributing immensely to society is not acceptable and must be put to an end.
He also questioned as to why the South Indian Artistes’ Association and other associations had not spoken up against this furore on social media while they stand up for other causes. He also added that the language used by fans of top stars is sickening and not in the least healthy for social media and that it must be stopped at once. He said it was important to create a healthy atmosphere on social media and influence upcoming generations to do so too.
Statement for regarding the Recent issues of Actor #Vijay & #Suriya
— Bharathiraja (@offBharathiraja) August 10, 2020
Responding to this, on Tuesday, actor Suriya put out a tweet quoting a tweet by himself from two years ago. The tweet was a request to his fans to channelise their time and energy towards productive activities. He also thanked director Bharathiraja for his support in the tweet.
His tweet from two years ago read, “We should not lower our standards by responding to substandard reviews. Use your time and energy for productive activities. For the benefit of society at large.”
எனது தம்பி தங்கைகளின் நேரமும், சக்தியும் ஆக்கப்பூர்வமான செயல்களுக்குப் பயன்பட வேண்டும் என்பதே என் விருப்பம். இயக்குனர் இமயம் திருமிகு. பாரதிராஜா அவர்களுக்கு என் உளப்பூர்வமான நன்றிகள்..
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) August 11, 2020
Actors Kasthuri and Shanthnu Bhagyaraj have also put out tweets standing by Suriya’s words.
Suriya shows how to take responsibility & lead his fans in positive direction.This is how we speak up against toxicity & uphold dignity. This is how we support our cine family members.
Thank u @Suriya_offl . Thank u Bharathiraja Sir. #ThisIsTheBeginning #ActorsAgainstAbuse
— Kasturi Shankar (@KasthuriShankar) August 11, 2020
IGNoooRe …
உங்கள் நேரம்இதை விட விலைமதிப்பற்றது
— Shanthnu 🌟 ஷாந்தனு Buddy (@imKBRshanthnu) August 11, 2020
On the other hand, Vijay Makkal Iyakkam’s representatives from Pattukottai have met the Deputy Superintendent of Police and filed a complaint against Meera for defaming the actor on social media. Meera has also filed a cyber complaint against fans for abusing her on Twitter.
மீராமிதுன் மீது நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வலியுறுத்தி பட்டுக்கோட்டை காவல் துணை கண்காணிப்பாளரிடம் விஜய் மக்கள் இயக்கம் சார்பாக புகார் மனு. #MeeraMitun #VijayMakkalIyakkam #ThalapathyVijay #Thalapathy
— Jaya Plus (@jayapluschannel) August 7, 2020