The Book of Enoch, the upcoming Tamil film starring actor Vijay Viswa, will be a crime thriller, its director Veyiloan told Silverscreen India.
The actor, who has appeared in films like Attakathi, Bigil, and Maayanadhi, changed his name from Abi Saravanan to Vijay Viswa a few months ago.
His upcoming film, The Book of Enoch, was formally launched on October 6 in Chennai. It is produced by Robin Samuel under the Hand of God production banner.
In conversation with Silverscreen India, filmmaker Veyiloan, who makes his debut with The Book of Enoch, said the film will be a crime thriller with mystery and psychological elements.
“The film’s crux is human emotions. We have tried a different treatment both technically and script-wise. The film follows six different people’s lifestyles and stories but in a non-linear pattern,” the director revealed, adding, “The Book of Enoch is a mythological religious text. The book is considered to be about fallen angels and demons. The film’s crux is related to the title.”
Veyiloan noted that the story is based on an imaginary hypothetical: What if something that happened 100 years ago reoccurs now? “In Denmark, 100 years ago, a disease called influenza [popularly known as the Spanish Flu] affected the people. Handling the disease was not easy as there was no efficient technology then. With the spread of the virus, there were many deaths and an economic downfall, all of which affected the mental health of the people. This led to rising crime, protests and much more. Poor mental health and depression, in turn, also caused deaths. This film is based on an imagination of what would happen if such an instance reoccurs,” the filmmaker said, adding that all the six characters in the film are affected by mental illness.
Veyiloan got the idea for the film during the Covid-19 pandemic and it took him a year to write the script.
Cinematographer Niran Chander and music composer Praveen SA are part of The Book of Enoch‘s technical crew.
The team plans to begin filming in December, said the filmmaker, adding that the shooting will begin in Kodaikanal, while some parts will also be shot in Bengaluru, Tiruttani and Vellore. “There are some single-take shots in the film. So we are currently doing rehearsals to get them right. Only after finalising that, will we go on floors,” Veyiloan mentioned.
Meanwhile, actor Vijay Viswa has several other projects in the pipeline, including Saayam, Kumbaari, Flashback, and Kombu Vacha Singam Da.