The individual who attacked Telugu actor Shalu Chourasiya and snatched her phone at Kasu Brahmananda Reddy (KBR) Park in Hyderabad last week, has been arrested, Additional Inspector of Banjara Hills police station, Mohammad Hafeez Uddin, confirmed to Silverscreen India.
On November 14, the actor had come alone to KBR Park for a walk in the evening hours. Around 8.30 pm, an unknown person hit her, snatched her mobile phone and fled the scene. KBR Park falls under the limits of the Banjara Hills police station.
Speaking at a press conference on Saturday, Police Commissioner of Hyderabad Anjani Kumar had said that the culprit who stole a phone at the park had been nabbed, without mentioning the name of the victim. Adding that KBR Park is frequented by well-known personalities, he said the team utilised a “traditional investigation method” to nab the accused and the stolen phone was recovered.
The police physically checked over 80 persons before finding the culprit, Kumar said, explaining the delay in nabbing him.
The culprit has been identified as Kommu Babu, son of Kommu Ramalu. Aged 21 years, Babu is a resident of Banjara Hills and a native of Mahbubnagar district, who works as a helper in film sets, the commissioner said. He further added that Babu was a school dropout who had come to Hyderabad in search of a job, and revealed that he has a criminal record. Babu, the commissioner said, was lodged at Chanchalguda Central Jail for a previous crime under Section 59 and 70C of the City Police Act. “After coming out, he began to indulge in similar activities. We are further interrogating him,” he added.
Speaking to Silverscreen India, Uddin said that Babu was lodged at Chanchalguda Central Jail on Saturday. “We traced the accused manually. About 3-4 months back, he had committed an offence within the Golconda police limits. We collected data on various offenders and verified the records to nab him using the traditional probing method,” he added.
Though Shalu could not identify Babu since the crime was committed in the dark, the police have confirmed that the recovered phone belongs to the actor.
KBR Park in Hyderabad has previously witnessed several crimes, including chain snatching and theft of valuables such as laptops and mobile phones from parked cars.