M Muthuraman has sought police help to collect royalty payments owed to him by director Sundar C, according to a report in The Hindu. In his complaint to the Chennai Police Commissioner, he has alleged that Sundar C’s recent release Aranmanai was based on the film that he produced with Rajinikanth – Aayiram Janmangal. He also said that he had long planned to make the film again in Hindi and Telugu but that Aranmanai was released before that idea came to fruition. Sundar C promised to pay him a sum of fifty lakhs so that Muthuraman would not pursue the case legally and in addition to this also agreed to give him a share of the profits from the film’s Telugu and Kannada releases. M Muthuraman has sought the help of the police to get Sundar C to pay him as promised.
Aranmanai, starring Vishal, Hansika, Andrea and Lakshmi Rai was a box office hit.
A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that the complaint was lodged by SP Muthuraman. We apologise for the error.