Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu had a makeover last year and has slowly become a poster child of sorts for high fashion down south. Always flaunting those YSL studs and the Chanel outfits, Samantha had even made it to several best dressed lists recently. All was fine, until the Alludu Seenu audio launch. The fusion sari that she wore for the event evoked mixed responses – some liked it, some hated it and some didn’t know how they felt about it. But a leading national daily obviously didn’t care for the look and conducted an investigation (we do ours on Google and wiki) into the ‘lookbook’ of Samantha Ruth Prabhu.
We like Samantha — the movies she does, the charm she exudes, her sense of style… Ok, correction. Strike out the ‘style’ bit for now. For all the hosannas we sang of the great ‘Samantha Style Transformation’, turns out, the Tollywood diva, and her stylist, have been taking a leaf (or more) out of Sonam Kapoor and Deepika Padukone’s style book! [Link]
An angry Samantha took the newspaper to task on Twitter, posting a series of tweets intended to educate its writers on fashion. Here’s a look at how her fan-dom reacted to her series of tweets on the topic:
Samantha started politely enough.
Dear TOI wanted to clarify a few things and basically educate the so called fashionistas we have at the TOI offices.
— Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 1, 2014
To which, some ardent fans came up with a few fervent declarations. A Telugu fan wrote:
@Samanthaprabhu2 yevvaru yemanna, v know bout u 🙂 u r our demigod n God gari best gift to all of us. Maa bujji bujji sam. Midemigod 🙂 — ARIMA NAMBI July4th (@yamakinkarudu) July 1, 2014
This Tamil fan though, issued a stern warning.
@Samanthaprabhu2 டேய் யாருடா அது என் சமந்தா டார்லிங்கை கிண்டல் பண்ணது, பிச்சு பிச்சு 🙂
— Sεиthil (@psksenkumar) July 1, 2014
The actress then launched into an explanation that would eventually be broken up into multiple tweets:
– when a designer comes up with a collection they make similar pieces in a selected color palate for the season. — Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 1, 2014
But, her fans just wanted her to let it go..let it Princess Elsa from Frozen.
@samanthaprabhu2 போதும் உடு செல்லம் :))) — Vamos CR7♥ (@SrtSenthil) July 1, 2014
– nationally recognized labels if not internationally … Have ALWAYS KEY PIECES.. A dhoti of Anamika Khanna, a cut work blouse of Arpita — Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 1, 2014
All that her homies wanted though, was the key to her heart. Or at the very least, a good morning tweet.
@Samanthaprabhu2 gud mrng angel <3 <3
— LEGENDARY RABHASA (@KRBS526) July 1, 2014
Sam continued.
If I have chosen to educate myself about all these wonderful designers and decided to put in effort to style better and have fun — Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 1, 2014
I don’t see it as an entertainment quotient that Times has decided to review – National level fashion blogs and sites such as High heel
— Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 1, 2014
pink villa , miss malini.. Whose sole purpose is to scout for fashion genius moments and fashion disasters… Has reviewed my looks multipl — Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 1, 2014
Samantha also made it quite clear that she didn’t think the newspaper was a ‘fashion review standard’.
number of times and have praised. I don’t remember Times suddenly becoming our new fashion review standard and accusing someone of copying — Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 1, 2014
Not all her fans were supportive. They are like moms. They love you unconditionally but don’t hesitate to call you out on your mistakes. Here’s one superfan :
@Samanthaprabhu2 Whatever your outfit for Alludu senu audio event was disaster dear..
— Venkat Nagu B (@WhencatNag) July 1, 2014
She ended with a cheeky thanks. For the publicity, of course.
fashion is fun .. I hope a reputed institution like TOI has better standards for its front pages. Ps thanks for the publicity — Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 1, 2014
This guy liked it a lot. We think he is a cricket fan.
@Samanthaprabhu2 @timesofindia that’s a very good shot — vardhan (@niteesh21) July 1, 2014
Producer Varun Manian wholeheartedly agreed as well.
@Samanthaprabhu2 Absolutely. — Varun Manian (@Varunmanian) July 1, 2014
But then Samantha realised that she’d been spamming everybody’s Timeline at 7 AM in the morning.
Sorry about the spamming. Early morning madness. — Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) July 1, 2014
Her fans didn’t really mind, though. ‘Sam’ can do no wrong.
Sam…you spamming your fans timelines is like rain during drought. Lol. @Samanthaprabhu2
— Sushma (@fromSushma) July 1, 2014
@samanthaprabhu2 hahaha…. you already spamed our hearts with ur kind heart n wth ur cute smile so dont say sorry fr spaming our tl 🙂 — tEjAsWiNi SaShI (@TejuSamFan) July 1, 2014
And, this guy just wanted a drink.
@samanthaprabhu2 cutting podalam va 😛
— Rajkumar (@edwin_rajkumar) July 1, 201
A few hours later, all was well. She turned up in a tres chic Burberry dress for an event and was her usual cheery self.
Full length photo courtesy:
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Samantha in Burberry courtesy: