Recently, actor Vivek took to Twitter to unveil his tonsured look for his upcoming film, Appatakkar. Deccan Chronicle then reported that the actor will be seen in dual roles, namely Vettiyan and Pasupathy in the movie. But speaking to Silverscreen, director Suraj has clarified that Vivek will only be seen in a single role, and that his portions would appear throughout the movie.
The final schedule of the film is currently underway in Pollachi and will be wrapped up by March 2. The team is planning to have the audio launch sometime in March, and as of now, Appatakkar is scheduled to hit the screens on April 14.
Apptakkar stars Jayam Ravi, Trisha and Anjali in the lead alongside Vivek, Prabhu and Soori in prominent roles. This movie, which has music scored by Thaman, is produced under the Lakshmi Movie Makers banner.