The trailer of Anurag Kashyap’s magnum opus Bombay Velvet was released on Thursday on Star Sports, during the World Cup match between India and Bangladesh. And we must say this – The trailer looks as riveting as a world cup final match !
The film, which has Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma and Karan Johar in the lead roles, is jointly produced by Phantom Films and Fox Star India. It is set to hit the screens on May 15. The film, set in the 1960s, is a large screen adaptation of Gyan Prakash’s “Mumbai Fables”. The screenplay is jointly written by Anurag Kashyap, Karan Johar and Vikramaditya Motwane.
Bombay Velvet is Anurag Kashyap’s first big budget venture with big mainstream stars like Ranbir and Anushka. Filmmaker Karan Johar, for the first time ever, is playing a negative role.
The trailer looks thrilling. Watch it here: