Actress Radikaa Sarath Kumar will be playing an important role in director Atlee’s next movie. We had earlier reported that Atlee will be directing actor Vijay’s next. Today, Radikaa Sarath Kumar took to Twitter to announce this news and added that she was excited to be a part of this yet-to-be-titled movie.
There were several speculations about the heroines in the movie. When we reached Atlee for comment, he refrained from the specifics. However, Radikaa, on Twitter, also stated that actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu will be playing the female lead.
Called Vijay 59, this movie will be produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu. Shooting will begin sometime in June when Vijay completes director Chimbudevan’s Puli.
Vijay and Samantha Ruth Prabhu are joining hands for the second time after Kaththi.
Happy to be working @actorvijay ,Atlee in Kalaipuli Dhanu production and @Samanthaprabhu2 , a rocking script