A star-packed film is all set to hit the screens this month. Double Barrel, directed by Lijo Jose Pellissery, is a comedy-thriller with Prithviraj, Indrajith, Arya, Sunny Wayne, Asif Ali and Swati Reddy playing the lead roles. It has a stellar supporting cast that includes Isha Sharvani, Rachana Narayanankutty, Pearle Maaney, Sajid Yahiya, Vijay Babu, Chemban Vinod Jose and director Anil Radhakrishnan Menon.
Jointly produced by Prithviraj, Santhosh Sivan, Arya and Shaji Nadesan under August Cinema and Lijo Jose Pellissery under Amen Movie Monastery, the film has music scored by Prashant Pillai, Lijo’s regular collaborator, and camera cranked by Abhinandan Ramanujam.
Watch the teaser here: