Actress Shruti Haasan has been approached by director Hari to play one of the lead roles in his Singam 3, said a The Times of India report. It is said that actress hasn’t signed the film yet and the Singam 3 team is also looking forward to rope in actress Anushka to play one of the female leads in it. The official announcement regarding the cast and crew will arrive soon.
Rumours were rife that actress Hansika was a strong contender for an important role in the movie. Last week, actress Hansika took to Twitter to announce that she has not been approached for a role in Singam 3.
Composer Anirudh Ravichander who is busy scoring for Thala 56 will soon start working for Singam 3.
Meanwhile, Shruti Haasan will start shooting for director Siruthai Siva’s Thala 56 and Suriya is busy shooting for 24 with director Vikram Kumar. Shooting of Singam 3 is expected to commence after Shruti and Suriya are done with their present commitments.