Actor Arya, who is awaiting the release of a few films, has been signed to play the lead role in director Jeeva Shankar’s upcoming film. A Deccan Chronicle report says that the project is confirmed and the team is now busy finalizing the cast and crew. Also, it has been reported that this yet-to-be titled film will be of the horror genre. However, the official word is yet to arrive.
Director Jeeva, who had entered the industry with Naan, recently directed Amarakaaviyam with Arya’s brother Sathya in the lead. It was also Arya’s maiden production. But the movie failed to impress, and did poor business at the box office.
Actor Arya is busy dividing his time between Inji Iduppazhagi (Size Zero in Telugu) and the Tamil remake of Malayalam film Bangalore Days. Two of his films, Yatchan and Vasuvum Saravananum Onna Padichavanga are in post-production while Romeo Juliet and Indru Netru Naalai are waiting to hit the theatres.