Actor Suresh, the cherubic chocolate hero of the 80s, was missing in action for quite sometime. The actor is now back in tinsel town, playing supporting roles in Tamil and Telugu films. Known for his sensational posts on Twitter, the actor was at it, once again; this time commenting on the casting choices of SS Rajamouli. This is what he had to say :
Will not support Mr.Rajamouli / #Bahubali coz he doesn’t think #jags or #suman or #Saikumar r good Enuff2 play character roles in his film
— suresh (@sureshactor) June 14, 2015
While it was tough to comprehend the meaning of this tweet on the first read, we understand that Suresh seems to be unhappy with the casting choices of SS Rajamouli for Baahubali. According to Suresh, Rajamouli doesn’t find actors like Jagapathi Babu, Suman or Saikumar good enough to play character roles in his film.
Interestingly, the male actors like Sathyaraj and Nasser are playing important roles in the film. The actors are familiar faces in both, Telugu and Tamil industries. So far, SS Rajamouli or any representative of Baahubali have not come out with any response to this tweet.
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