Filmmaker SS Rajamouli, who is buoyed by the response to his film Baahubali, is reportedly set to go on a holiday with his family soon. Having tirelessly worked for nearly four years on his latest release, Rajamouli has decided to take a two-weeks’ break. The regular shooting of the second part of Baahubali will start from September. With about 40 percent of shooting already complete, the team plans to wrap up the film by the end of this year end and begin the VFX and post-production work from January next.
Meanwhile, the film has reportedly grossed over Rs 100 crore in its opening weekend worldwide. It features Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty and Tamannah Bhatia in the lead roles, with Sathyaraj, Nasser and Ramya Krishnan in important roles.